Please note that the Mobile Library remains unavailable until further notice

St Mary’s Youth & Community Centre

St Mary’s Youth and Community Centre is administered by a voluntary Management Committee for the benefit of Parishioners of St. Mary and our island community.

  • ASK: Have a question, comment or if you wish to provide feedback, click here
  • BOOK: To book the Centre’s facilities (Hall, Tennis, Gallery & Commercial Kitchen), click here
  • BUY: If you have an Amazon account, please consider making a purchase from our wishlist, click here
  • DONATE: To support our Charity and the work we’re dedicated to, click here OR via GoJ Making a Donation to Charity page, here
  • INFORMED: To keep up to date with our events, follow our Facebook page, click here

Charity Membership Number: AJC343 / Registered Charity Number: 183

The Management Committee’s objectives are to maintain the running of the Centre through self-sufficient means and fundraising events; maintain the property, internally and externally; ensure that the Centre’s assets, equipment and the surrounding grounds are kept in good order; and work with the Parish and wider Community so all parties may benefit from using the Centre’s facilities.

On a regular basis, we welcome a host of Community Groups, Charities and NPO organisations:

  • Charity Community Events and Lunches;
  • Private Hire Parties;
  • Keep Fit Classes;
  • Pre-school Nursery;
  • Youth Club;
  • Kids Club;
  • Beavers, Cubs and Scouts Groups;
  • Quilters;
  • Corporate Events;
  • Outdoor Events; and
  • much more.

The Centre is an exceptional, easily accessible facility with parking and safe outdoor and indoor spaces.

For further information or for any enquiries, please link here.