For queries about the road surfacing, please contact the Department of Infrastructure on 445509


By-roads (Chemins Vicinaux) Administration

Each Parish is responsible for the upkeep of by-roads (chemins vicinaux) within the Parish. The States, through the Department for Infrastructure, is responsible for main roads. Some roads may be privately owned or administered by another body, such as a housing trust, or a company including Andium Homes.

The Roads Committee (Comité des Chemins) is elected to administer the by-roads. Three members of the Roads Committee are appointed by the Parish Assembly for a 3 year term of office in accordance with the Loi (1914) sur la Voirie (jerseylaw). The Connétable convenes and chairs the Roads Committee whenever necessary or when required by any member thereof and must give notice of each topic for the meeting. The Rector is also a member of the Roads Committee.

The Parish Assembly appoints two Roads Inspectors (Inspecteurs des Chemins) for each Vingtaine (or Cueillette in St Ouen) and they hold office for a term of three years. The Assembly is held in December and those elected enter into office on 1 January. Roads Inspectors are responsible for the repair of by-roads of the Parish and have to ensure the instructions of the Roads Committee are carried out.

Every September (and more often if necessary) the Roads Committee visits the by-roads accompanied by the Roads Inspectors in their respective Vingtaines to point out what is in need of repair and what work should be carried out.

Where a road (be it a main road or a minor road) forms the border between two Parishes (chemins mitoyens) the Roads Committees of each Parish must determine which Parish should be responsible for the Road and, to this end, may put up appropriate boundary stones. Within the Parish, a similar function may be undertaken in respect of roads where there are adjoining Vingtaines.

Placing a Structure Below, on or Above a Road

The Roads Committee may grant licences (Highways (Jersey) Law 1956 – jerseylaw) authorising any person to place anything below, on or above a ‘chemin vicinal’. No structure may be placed below, on or above a road without such permission – this includes scaffolding, hoarding and banners hung over a road etc.

Road Closure or Restriction

A road may not be closed to traffic, or its use restricted, other than with the prior permission of the Connétable of the Parish (Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956 – jerseylaw). Applications should be submitted at least 7 days prior to the requested date of closure/restriction together with the appropriate fee. Road closures may not be permitted during the months of May to September inclusive due to seasonal restrictions.

​​Chose Publique

The Connétable may grant any person a permit authorising him to have exclusive occupation of any land over which the public customarily has the right to pass without let or hindrance (Customary Law (Choses Publiques) (Jersey) Law 1993 – jerseylaw). This enables permits to be granted for so called ‘al fresco’ drinking on ‘Choses publiques’. Conditions and a Code of Conduct will apply to all permits issued and failure to comply with the conditions and Code may result in the permit being withdrawn without notice.

What is a ‘Green’ Lane?

Within Jersey a number of lanes have been designated by Parishes as ‘green lanes’. These are generally tree-lined lanes which are particularly attractive or of great character and antiquity. The aim is to maintain the quiet, unspoilt and natural character of the countryside for people to enjoy as a leisure amenity where walkers, cyclists and horse riders, not the car, have priority. The speed limit on these lanes is 15 miles an hour. Further information on walking/cycling routes may be found on