Parish Annual Returns 2025 should have been returned by 15 January 2025, any owner who has not received a notice should contact the parish office immediately.

SILVER LILY CLUB – 2023 – Programme of Events

Wednesday                                        WHIST DRIVE

18th January                                       2.30p.m. Parish Hall

Wednesday                                        Laugh, Move & Groove

15th February                         Parish Hall – 2.30 p.m.

Wednesday                                        Visit to Eric Young Orchid Foundation *

15th March                                          Meet there – 2.00 p.m.

                                                            £6.00 pp

Wednesday                                        SPRING LUNCH & AGM

19th April                                            12.30p.m. St. Brelade’s Bay Hotel  *  

                                                            £20.00 pp

Wednesday                                        Visit to Albert Bartlett Potato Packing Station *

17th May                                              Meet there 2.00 p.m.

Wednesday                                        Long term Care Talk by Staff from Customer

21st June                                            Local Services, Gov of Jersey

Parish Hall – 2.30 p.m.

Wednesday                                        Afternoon Tea at Ransoms Garden Centre   *

19th July                                             Meet there at 2.30 p.m.

                                                            £10.00 pp

AUGUST                                            Summer Break

Wednesday                                       Carolyn’s Ballet Company  (Ballet d’Jerri)

20th September                                  Venue to be confirmed

Wednesday                                        Tennerfest lunch

18th October                                       Venue to be confirmed      


Wednesday                                        Stuart Gillies Entertains         

 15th November                                Parish Hall – 2.30 p.m.

To be confirmed

Wednesday                                        Parish Lunch

December                                          To be confirmed

Talks & Events at Parish Hall – £3.00 pp

* Please make your own way to venue