Parish Annual Returns 2025 should have been returned by 15 January 2025, any owner who has not received a notice should contact the parish office immediately.

Jersey Christmas Appeal 2024

If you are seeking financial help this Christmas, you can now apply for support through the Christmas Appeal 2024.

The form (available until 17 November) will ask for the Applicants full details, details of all dependants (if applicable) along with the main reasons as to why they are applying for support at Christmas.

Once completed the form can be handed to an Approved Referring Agency (that includes the Parish Hall at St Mary) who will be able to help with any queries you may have about the form and the application process.

The JCA review the form and dependent on the Applicants personal circumstances, number of dependants and ages etc approve the provision of Vouchers. The Voucher types are Grocery, Heating or Young Persons (children aged 14 or below). 

The Vouchers are mailed to the Applicant who may present them at participating Suppliers as a cash substitute